Reheating Instructions:
Whole Brisket
Leave brisket out at room temp for 1 hour prior to heating. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 250 degrees. Remove brisket lid from aluminum tray and place in oven. (do not remove the butcher paper). Heat for approx. 1.5-2 hours or until a meat thermometer reads an internal temperature of 165 degrees for 15 seconds. Let rest for 20mins before slicing. Brisket should not be too hot or it will dry out.
Note: Brisket is FULLY COOKED prior to being reheated.
Slicing Whole Brisket
Starting from the thinnest end of the brisket (the flat), use a serrated knife to cut into pencil-thick slices. Stop carving once you are halfway through the brisket (when you reach the point). Now take the remaining brisket (the fatter side) and turn it 45 degrees ā this will allow you to slice against the grain. Carve the remaining brisket into pencil-thick slices against the grain.
Note: All meat is FULLY COOKED prior to being reheated.
Sliced Brisket
Leave brisket in bag and in a medium pot bring water to a boil. Submerge bag and heat through until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees for 15 seconds. (approx. 15 minutes).
Note: All meat is FULLY COOKED prior to being reheated.
Whole Turkey Breast
Whole turkey is already sliced to make your Christmas easier!
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Place turkey into oven in foil and heat until internal temperature 165 degrees for a minimum of 15 seconds, approx 45mins
Note: All meat is FULLY COOKED prior to being reheated.
Sliced Turkey
Leave turkey in bag and in a medium pot bring water to a boil. Submerge bag and heat through until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees for 15 seconds. (approx. 15-28 minutes).
Note: All meat is FULLY COOKED prior to being reheated.
Roasted Lamb Shank
Pre heat oven to 350F. Remove lid from half pan and remove Demi glaze. Return lid and heat in oven for 30-45mins or until shank reaches 145 for 15 seconds. Heat Demi grace in small sauce pan.
Whole Rack Dino Bones
Bring rack of dino bones to room temperature. Leave wrapped in foil and in pan. Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Heat rack of dino bones until an internal temperature of 165 degrees is reached (approx. 45 minutes).
Note: All meat is FULLY COOKED prior to being reheated.
Sliced Pastrami
Leave pastrami in bag and in a medium pot bring water to a boil. Submerge bag and heat through until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees for 15 seconds. (approx. 15 minutes).
Pit Smoked Duck
Pre heart oven to 400F. Remove lid and place duck on roasting rack. Roast duck for 18-30mins or until heated through and skin is crispy. Lower oven to 350F and roast for an additional 5mins. Remove duck from oven and let rest for 8mins. Serve immediately.
Crack nā Cheese
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake in oven with lid on until bubbling and heated through with an internal temp of 165 (approx. 45 min). For a caramelized top remove lid and finish under the broiler until browned to your liking.
Southern Style Green Beans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bring green beans to room temperature. Heat green beans with lid on for 22mins or until heated through. Remove lid and let bacon crisp on top.
Potato Confit
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Bring potatoes to room temperature. Roast potatoes with lid on for 22mins, increase temperature to 400 degrees and remove lid. Let tops of potatoes crisp while continually stirring. Serve immediately.
Roasted Vegetables
Preheat oven to 375 degrees and a roast vegetables with lid on for 15mins, if caramelized vegetables are desired, remove lid and roast until desired consistency.
Chicken Gravy
Pour gravy into a small sauce pot and bring to a simmer over medium heat